『 愛着・藍着・逢着 』
ヤマハ発動機とTOM WORKSのコラボレーションアイテムが販売。
Collaboration items between Yamaha Motor and TOM WORKS are now on sale.
Centered around the concept of ‘AICHAKU,’ we created an object based on the XSR125 and collaboration apparel.
TOM WORKSの、使われることで自然に汚れ、擦り切れ、育てることで生まれる洋服への「愛着」。
At TOM WORKS, we cherish the idea of ‘Aichaku’—the affection that grows as clothing gets naturally worn, dirtied, and aged through use.
Yamaha Motor explores the potential for ‘Aichaku’ that forms between people and machines.
Though our fields may differ, this shared passion for ‘Aichaku’ in craftsmanship led to the creation of this concept.

The term ‘Aichaku’ combines two meanings: ‘wearing indigo’ (藍着) and ‘an unexpected encounter’ (逢着).
Through two distinct products—clothing and motorcycles—we sought to explore the new possibilities that arise when unrelated elements come together.

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■アートオブジェ展示 / アパレル販売
・場所:Space EDGE渋谷 〒150-0002 東京都渋谷区渋谷3-26-17 野村ビル 1F
◇ヤマハ発動機×TOM WORKS 合同POP UP Store
・場所:RELOAD 〒155-0031 東京都世田谷区北沢3丁目19−20